
things I've said and things I've heard

I do not worship anything. I idolize and obsess, and I am prone to infatuation, but I do not worship.

I am aware that there are beings in this universe wiser and more powerful than me, in fact I know many personally, but I do not worship them.

I don't think we should be asking god or jesus to forgive us our sins, I think we should be asking if we would forgive ourselves.

Those who talk don't know and those who know don't talk.

I think I like forums better than chat rooms I mean they both have their own appeal but.... well, forums give you more time to articuate. but I like the fast pace of chat rooms the envioronment is more condusive it's like the pace in chat rooms just breeds creativity and you don't have enough time to wonder what the response will be. you get the best ideas when there are people around you can sort of bounce them off of and then when they do respond, it's like looking at something from a whole different perspective it's something like an orgy of minds, all of that energy directed towards a unified goal, and you end up creating something.... something that takes on an existence of it's own.

I wonder if the trees like to be so close together, if it's like a community, or if they are just fighting for the light. they certainly seem happier in the orderly rows of an orchard. I'm not sure how I know that.

I do not believe in god in the way the christians do, I acknowledge the fact that there are beings in this universe more powerful than I. But saying that, I would have to explain my definition of power and the nature of the universe.

A legacy is built by great deeds and great deeds are done by great people, but people do not know they are great until they are told so. I am telling you now, you are a great person, now do some great deeds.


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