
Jesus Theory

For awhile I've been trying to figure out what it is I value, but I realize now what I really want to know is this: what do I believe in? I'm not going to try and decide whether or not I believe in god, I think I want to believe in god, the way christians do, but my image of god is very different from theirs. Sometimes I wish I could have christ as my savior but something inside of me just can't accept something like that, nonetheless I wish I could believe in something that profound. Perhaps I'm lost and I'm wrong and I need someone to save me, alot of the time I wish someone would, but I believe too much in the human spirit, I believe we can save ourselves. I think that might have been what jesus wanted to teach us, compassion, I don't think he wanted people to worship him and wait for him to save them, he wanted them to follow his example of love and self-sacrifice, he wanted to show them the good that was in each of us and teach us to live by that good, by that love. We aren't supposed to wait around for jesus to come and save us, we are supposed to live as he did, with a love as limitless as his.
Have I just had an epiphany? That's funny, I don't feel like I have, I feel like I've known this all my life but have never been able to put it into words. I don't think I have any way of knowing if this is even an original thought, but I guess since I haven't heard anyone else talk about it I'll assume it is, for now at least, there are still many things I have yet to learn.


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