

We sat there and talked for an hour or more about nothing, or everything, sex, drinking, kids, quitting smoking. It was so easy to be open with him, and we laughed so much. I've never felt sexy before with him, or with anyone for that matter, but this time it was different. Maybe it was the honesty or the shared laughter, or the fact that he wanted me, I felt something, I don't know if it was pleasure but it could have been close. I've never felt wanted before, I've never really wanted anyone. It wasn't serious sex, it wasn't even hot sex, it was kind of a funny, friendly sex, between two people with a mutual attraction. I was never attracted to him before, I guess it's because of what we're doing, I feel I can be honest with him. I mean, we're having sex, we should be able to be open with each other. I think I can trust him of all people. Well, I should go to sleep now, I do have to work tomorrow.


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