
leagally it's kidnapping if you are in the vehicle

I think I was eleven when some man tried to kidnap me. Every day after school I would ride the bus to the bottom of my hill, I live up a really steep hill, I didn't like walking up so I would wait at the bottom for my stepsiter and my brothers and their friends to come back from school, they're all about five or six years older than me and they went to a private school. I usually just sat down and started my homework while I waited for them, I paid no attention to the blue van parked nearby until the man sitting in it called me over to him. Being young and naive I thought nothing of it so I went over, he was sitting in the passenger side and when I got to him he told me he had something to show me. To this day I can't say why, but I leaned over towards him and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me onto his lap. I did the only things I could think of, scream and fight. I kept my foot in the door despite him trying to slam it numerous times and I screamed at the top of my lungs. He covered my mouth with one hand and kept his other arm around my waist, I bit his hand and elbowed him in the stomach. I don't know how long I was in the car with him but I can still remember the feeling of his arm around me and I can still remember his smell. When I finally got free I picked my things up from where I left them and started running up the hill. I'm not much of a runner and I was getting tired, I could still see the van, he hadn't even started it, he was just going to come up and get me after I'd tired myself out. I turned around and started back down the hill, writing his licence plate number down through my tears, I guess he noticed, he drove away before I could get the last number. By this time I was hysterical, I just stood there holding my books and crying, two people I knew past on the highway, one of them a security guard from the shopping center where my family's restaurant was. By the time my brothers and my sister got there all I could say was 'he tried to grab me' they put me in the car and drove to the police station. When we got there, my brothers went to get my mother while my sister tried to comfort me. We waited at that police station for two hours, well, it's actually a sub station but I've hated the Hawaii police department ever since. Well, for the next few months I had to tell and retell and even write down what happened and I even had to look through pictures to try to identify the man. The incident was in the newspaper twice, once on the front page, on a sunday I believe. I got teased for it at school, I don't know why anyone would tease a person about something like that, but the kids in Hawaii are stupid anyway. I am told I had nightmares afterwards but I don't remember any of that. I do remember that, after the initial shock of it, I started enjoying the attention. I guess that's just me though, a player no matter what.

Six or so years later I forget sometimes that it even happened, I used to get emotional if somebody brought it up but now it's just another story to tell my friends. Not very long ago, probably six months, I was up at my granmas house, we were out on the porch, me, my mother, my grandmother and my brother Josh. We were talking about his lifestyle and how it would affect his daugters future and somehow the subject got around to him beating me when we were younger. I have always been afraid that he, being an alcoholic, would beat his daughter, but thats not the point here. He said that he beat me for a reason, that if he hadn't I wouldn't have been able to defend myself when that man tried to kidnap me. I love my brother, though I don't know why, and for awhile I truly wanted to believe this. However, by all accounts I was strong enough before he ever hit me, my mother even tells stories about how I would struggle so much when I was a toddler that she almost dropped me. So I must acknowledge that this is his way of justifying what he did to me all those years. I don't know how he justifies the two fights we had just days before he said this but I suppose it's better than the way my mother justifies her ignoring it all those years, which is in her own words, I was asking for it (this is also how she views the aformentioned two fights). What would I be without my family?


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