
internet observations

I have so many different blogs on my favorites list, I never have the time to visit all of them. I like that when you go to enter in the publishers clearing house sweepstakes and they want you to subscribe to their magazines the Submit button is really big and pretty and then No, Thanks is just a small underlined blemish towards the bottom of the page. There is a virus on my computer that makes my mouse move and close all of my active windows. I hate webpages that turn your cursor into + or the ones that have stupid crap follow the mouse around, and I also hate the ones that automatically start playing music.I'm just browsing, using the next blog button on the blogger navbar and adding interesting ones to my favorites, some of them are in languages I can't understand but the pictures are beautiful. I guess that makes me a pirate, well, it's not the only thing.
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interesting how the media makes a point of saying MS. O'Donnell, when she refers to herself as being married.


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