
a common enemy

listening to talk shows on mute. that's such a great sentence, of course I mean the song. I think Iove this song because they mention 1984, coincidence? I think not.

whenever my mother is bitching at me about something I just turn the conversation onto a different scapegoat, sometimes this tactic doesn't work, since her favorite subject to bitch about is me, but usually it takes the heat out of the fire under my ass. I know this is a horrible thing to to but, I can be my own worst enemy, thank you.
It's amazing what a common enemy can do to two people. take my mother and my stepsister, for example, two of the most conniving back stabbers I know, but when it comes to bitching about my brother and my sister in law, they are best friends. That goes for my other brother's girlfriend as well, of course if you get all of them into one room together they have no choice but to make me the topic of their pitiful gossip. It's sad that four grown women can't think of a more rewarding topic, I suppose I should be flattered, that would confuse them.


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