
and another one

Nothing is sacred
Everything is real
Nothing real can be threatened

If your happiness is so easily threatened by reality, how can you be sure it is real? I think the key to being truly happy is to accept reality, accept that everything else is an illusion because it can be threatened. Nothing is sacred, because holding something sacred is only distancing yourself from it. Essentially, everything becomes more sacred that ever before. When you stop drawing lines you allow yourself to become closer to life, closer to your own emotions.

To hold something sacred is to hold it above everything else, above even yourself. You are not truly experiencing it, not truly close to it. One must accept everything for what it is, acknowledge it's base in human nature and respect it, not revere it. To love something, truly love something, you accept it for all it is and isn't, and you bring it closer to youthan anything you have ever believed in or held sacred.

Everything that you value, believe in, everything that you place above reason or human nature can be threatened. You have attached a sentimental illusion to it, and illusions are often so easily shattered. Once you accept the reality of a thing, love it, it cannot be threatened by reality because you see it realistically, and in reverse, it cannot threaten you. This is similar to one overcoming ones fear, once a person has accepted their fear they are no longer threatened by it. I think this is because when you fear a thing you attach an illusion to it, perhaps not sentimental, but surreal all the same.


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