
of friends and patient conversations

I wish my friend weren't so sad, I love her dearly but I don't want to be her therapist anymore, I mean loyalty only goes so far. I find that everytime we speak, we're talking about her problems, her school, her parents, her life. I realize now how little she actually knows me, and I hate myself for that, if there were anyone I would like to really know me, it would be her. But that is impossible, she has put me in a little box labelled weird, shallow and unforgiving; just as my brother has, just as everyone else has. I dearly wish that people would not think that I am hard and unforgiving, it pains me to think that I am viewed as such. I suppose I seem unforgiving because of my somewhat overblown sense of righteousness, a trait of which I am not overly fond. She has said of me what a typical teenager I am, and the word most she uses to describe me is insane, again, wrong on both counts. I remember once I tried to express to my best friend Allison my dream to help people, she laughed at me and said 'you don't care about anyone but yourself', she meant it as a joke but it hurt nonetheless. That was when she was first getting to know me, she knows me better now. But Rene'e is too caught up in her own world to see me, she doesn't want to know me. Just as a patient does not want to know their therapist, sure they want them to disclose a little bit, just enough to earn their trust, but in the end, they are not paying to listen to the shrinks problems. People no longer genuinely care about each other enough, I hope I was not that way with Glen. I would hate to think he, of all people, thinks of me as the rest of the world does.


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