
of humble beginnings and extraordinary ends and the places inbetween.

I think I'm really gonna miss living in Hawaii. I've collected so many things, little things like shells and necklaces and rocks, all just to remind me of here, of home. I don't think I would refer to the house I live in as home, I've never really felt comfortable here, I believe that a home would feel... different. I've always pictured myself searching for someplace to call home later on in my life, but I've realized that 'home' doesn't neccessarily have to be a place, I can be home wherever I go, within myself. I want to have kids someday, and I want to travel the world with them, I want to expose them to different cultures and the beautiful things that the world is made of. But I never want them to feel the way I do in my parents house, I want them to feel at home with themselves and their family.
I just can't imagine living my life out in one place, in one house, one country, with the same people and the same society surrounding me. The world is full of beautiful things and terrible things and I want to experience them all.
But I know, however far I may travel and whatever wonders I may see, I will always hold a special love for Hawaii, I will always be proud to be Hawaiian.


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