
insanity, death and revenge

when all you have left
are borrowed sayings
broken mirrors and bad luck
haunted by demons of your own making

imagination is held hostage by fear
creating shades in the dark
and horrifying deaths
to die, and die again

you surrender your integrity
and sell your values
for some peace of mind
and find yourself plauged by shadows
and a chorus of laughter
a comment on the comedy you call life
they laugh at your nakedness
as you search in vain
scramble and fall and scrape your knees

the whispers roaring in your mind
drowning out all other sound
sitting with your back to the wall
harried by the wolves
who bear the faces of your loved ones
crying out your apologies
but they will not forgive you now

hysterical laughter erupts from your mouth
as the bloodred snake
slithers through the wolves
biting one here
another there
after the serpent disperses your tormentors
he wraps himself around you
feel the dry scraping of his skin
see his eyes, ever shifting
his tounge tasting your breath
he kisses you
and you are not afraid.


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